Girl in Laos

Hospital Management

Optimal use of resources for the benefit of patients

Group picture
Group picture

Seated (from left to right): Dr. Sivansey, CEO Mother New Born Hospital; Dr. Vangnakhone, CEO Setthatirat Hospital; Dr. Sommanikhone, CEO Childen Hospital; Dr. Somchan, DHCR MoH. Standing, among others, Dr. Viladeth, CEO Xieng Khuang Provincial Hospital.

Activities in 2022

  • Kickoff meeting with Lao Minister of Health H.E. Dr. Bounfeng Phoummalaysith on the hospital autonomy project (October 3, 2022).
  • Training on «Hospital Management & Leadership» with the CEOs and senior staff of the five Central Hospitals (Mahosot, Mittaphab, Setthathirath, Children Hospital, Mother New Born Hospital) as well as Xieng Khuang Provincial Hospital and Oudomxay Provincial Hospital (October 3-5, 2022 and October 12-15, 2022).
  • Participation in the development of the «Autonomy Action Plan 2023» of the pilot hospitals
Hospital management workshop with Alphons Schnyder

Activities in 2019

  • Meeting with the Laotian Minister of Health H.E. Prof. Boungkong Syhavong on the project «Hospital Autonomy» on 26 September 2019
  • Kick-off meeting «Committee Hospital Autonomy» on 27 September 2019
    Chairman: H.E. Dr. Khampone Phoutavong, Deputy Minister of Health
  • Workshop with the «Committee Hospital Autonomy» on 14 October 2019
    Chairman: H.E. Dr. Bounfeng Phoummalaysith, Deputy Minister of Health
  • Development of the «Concept Note on Autonomy for Pilot Hospitals Lao PDR», preparation of a roadmap
  • Training and 1-day workshops with the management of the pilot hospitals for the autonomy project in October 2019 (Children Hospital, Mitthaphab Hospital, Setthathirath Hospital)
  • 1-week training and workshop with 25 executives of Xieng Khouang Provincial Hospital in October 2019

Strengthening hospital management in Laos

The professional training of medical staff is a central concern of the Swiss Laos Hospital Project. However, even well-trained doctors and nurses can only fulfil their tasks optimally if they work in a well-functioning organisation. Under the leadership of Dr. Alphons Schnyder, the Swiss Laos Hospital Project is therefore developing initiatives to strengthen management in Lao hospitals. This way, we want to make a contribution to better patient care and more efficient use of resources. In concrete terms, our specialists advise the Laotian Ministry of Health on hospital management issues and accompany corresponding pilot projects in the hospitals. In addition, we regularly organise one-week courses for hospital managers in which we share knowledge and skills in hospital management and organisation. Since the introduction of these courses for managers in 2017, we have already been able to train more than 400 staff from the middle and upper management levels.

Media coverage

Hospital bosses take first steps towards improved management

Vientiane Times, 14th October 2022

After the end of the lockdown in Laos, our activities in the field of hospital management can also take place on site again. The Vientiane Times reports in detail about a workshop that Alphons Schnyder conducted with the management of the major hospitals in Vientiane.

Equal treatment for all, Lao hospitals vow

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Vientiane Times, 10 July 2018

From 9 to 13 July 2018, Dr Alphons Schnyder led a 1-week course in hospital management at Setthathirath Hospital in Vientiane. Participants were over 50 high-ranking representatives from the medical profession, nursing and administration of various hospitals.

Hospitals address critical need to improve management

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Vientiane Times, 22 March 2018

«The one-week workshop, which is being led by the Swiss Laos Hospital Project, covers patient services management, quality health services, and issues surrounding human resources and development. Attendees are studying corporatecultureframeworks, strategic planning, organisational leadership, good governance, financial management, human resource management, and changes in management with regard to project management.»

Intensive course seeks to improve hospital managment

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Vientiane Times, 22 March 2017

Extensive report on the 1-week intensive course in Hospital Management under the patronage of the Swiss Laos Hospital Project. Participants were executives of five major hospitals in Vientiane. The group picture on page 5 also shows the course instructor Dr. Alphons Beat Schnyder and the founder of the Swiss Hospital Project, Dr. med. Urs Lauper.


Participants of the workshop on «Coordinated Strategy»

Workshop on «Coordinated Strategy» in the Ministry of Health. The participants are cadres from Mitthaphab Hospital, Mother and Newborn Hospital, Setthathirath Hospital and Mahosot Hospital.

Participants of the workshop on «Hospital Autonomy»

Workshop on «Hospital Autonomy» with the extended management of the Children Hospital.

Participants of the management course at Mahosot Hospital

Hospital management course at Mahosot Hospital in Vientiane Capital.

Participants of the management course at Setthathirath Hospital

Hospital management course at Setthathirath Hospital in Vientiane Capital.

Workshop participants at Xieng Khouang Provincial Hospital

Hospital management workshop at Xieng Khouang Provincial Hospital in Phonsavan, Laos.

Hospital management course at Mahosot Hospital

Hospital management course at Mahosot Hospital in Vientiane Capital.