Our donations account
All details for your bank transfer
We appreciate your donation to the following account:
Swiss Laos Hospital Project
8000 Zurich
IBAN CH57 0070 0114 8075 5267 6
Bank Clearing Number 700
How we use your donation
The Swiss Laos Hospital Project is based on volunteer work. Professionals who work in Laos only receive a contribution towards travel costs. Employees in Switzerland are also volunteers. This way, your donation will almost entirely benefit the projects and the people in Laos.
With your contribution you support for example:
- Scholarships for further medical training
- Therapies and medication (if patients cannot afford them themselves)
- Purchase or repair of medical equipment
- Special supplies (e.g. for medical laboratory equipment)
- construction and renovation of hospital buildings
All funds are invested directly by project staff on site to avoid bureaucracy and corruption.
Tax deduction
Donations to the Swiss Laos Hospital Project can be deducted from taxes.